Cultivate Safely
Get the facts and stay up-to-date on COVID-19!

The Cultivating SuccessTM program and University of Idaho Extension are committed to providing you with up-to-date information and best practices for keeping yourself, your farmworkers, your family and your customers safe from farm to market. On this resource page, you will find websites and resources containing scientifically based information. Please check back often as we will be posting additional resources as they become available. If you have any questions or are looking for additional resources, please contact Colette DePhelps, Community Food Systems Area Educator, University of Idaho Extension.
Webinar Series
Cultivating Success COVID-19 Recorded Webinars
U.S. Government Websites - General Information and Frequently Asked Questions
Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions
United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions
United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Coronavirus (COVID-19)
United States Farmers.gov Coronavirus and USDA Service Centers
Regional Websites
Western Regional Center to Enhance Food Safety (WRC) Covid-19 Resources in English & Spanish
State of Idaho Websites
State of Idaho Official Resources for the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Idaho Statewide Stay-Home Order
Idaho Rebounds: Our Path to Prosperity Cash Grants for Small Business
Idaho Rebounds: Our Path to Prosperity Business-specific protocols for opening
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare COVID-19 Resources
University of Idaho Websites
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
FMSA Food Safety for Produce Growers
Idaho Observatory Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases and Planning Report
Transmission of COVID-19
Brigham Young University Making sense of the research on COVID-19 and masks
CDC How to Protect Yourself and Others
CDC Coronavirus Informational Video in Spanish
University of Colorado (UC) Boulder FAQs on Protecting Yourself from Aerosol Transmission (accessible through Dr. Shelly Miller’s website)
Indoor Air Quality
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response Resources from ASHRAE and Others (resources in English and Spanish)
ASHRAE Filtration/Disinfection
Environment International How can airborne transmission of COVID-19 indoors be minimised? (refereed journal article, September 2020)
UC Boulder A hopefully helpful short report on air cleaners (blog by Dr. Shelly Miller)
Good Hygiene Practices: Hand Washing
CDC When and How to Wash Your Hands
CDC Print Resources – Facts, What you needs to know, etc. in multiple languages (printable)
Minnesota Department of Health Hand Hygiene Print Materials (printable multi-step handwashing posters)
North Carolina State University Do It Yourself (DIY) Handwashing Station instructions (pdf)
University of Minnesota How to Build a Field Handwashing Station (pdf)
University of Minnesota Extension How to Build a Portable Hand Washing Station (video)
University of California Homemade Hand Sanitizer (pdf) In Spanish (pdf)
WRC COVID-19 Preventative Measures Cleaning and Disinfection (pdf updated 3/25/20)
WRC Limpiando y desinfectando (Cleaning and disinfection)
WRC COVID-19 Preventative Measures Homemade Hand Sanitizer recipe (pdf 3/29/20)
WRC Desinfectante de manos hecho en casa (Homemade hand sanitizer)
Cleaning and Sanitation
CDC Cleaning and Disinfection for Households
WRC COVID-10 Preventative Measures Cleaning and Disinfecting Reusable Bags (pdf 3/27/20)
WRC Lavando y desinfectando bolsas reutilizables (Reusable bags)
EPA List of Disinfectants for Use Against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)
Farms and Produce
Wallace Center COVID-19 Resource Compilation (Google sheet)
WRC Is Coronavirus a Concern on Fresh Produce? (pdf updated 4/19/20)
WRC ¿Me debo preocupar del Coronavirus en las frutas y verduras? (Is Coronavirus a concern on fresh produce?)
WRC Is Coronavirus an Issue in Produce Production? (pdf updated 4/19/20)
WRC ¿Puede ser el Coronavirus un problema en la producción de frutas o verduras? (Is Coronavirus an issue in produce production?)
WRC Handling COVID-19 Best Practices for Agribusiness (pdf updated 4/20/20)
WRC Handling COVID-19 Produce Farms and Packinghouses (pdf updated 4/20/20)
Cornell University Building Farm Resilience During COVID-19 website
Cornell University Agricultural Workforce Development COVID-19 website
Cornell University COVID-19 and Your Produce Farm webinar (recorded 4/3/20) Presentation Slides
Michigan State University COVID-19 and Food Safety: Common Questions from Fruit and Vegetable Growers website
Oregon State University Small Farms, Local Food and COVID-19 What do you need to know? website
Purdue University A Guide for Local Producers to Navigate the COVID-19 Outbreak website
University of Vermont Expanding Food Safety Protocols in an Evolving Landscape of COVID-19 four-part webinar (recorded 4/9/20)
Farm Direct Marketing During COVID-19
Oregon Tilth Online Sales Platforms for Farmers website and webinar (recorded 3/23/20)
Farm Deliveries and CSAs
California Alliance of Family Farmers How to Run CSA Pick Up Sites During COVID-19 (checklist)
Cultivating SuccessTM Best Practices for Farm Deliveries, Pick-Up and CSA During COVID-19 webinar (recorded 4/21/20)
Cultivating SuccessTM Getting Started with CSA webinar (recorded 4/21/20)
University of New Hampshire Extension Guide for CSA Farmers amid COVID-19 webpage
Farm Stands and U-Pick
WRC Handling COVID-19 Guidance for U-Pick Farms (pdf updated 4/19/20)
WRC Pasos para los encargados de las granjas (FAQs for U-Pick Farms)
WRC COVID-19 and Farm Stands: Steps for Farm Stand Operators (pdf updated 4/19/20)
WRC Medidas para operadores de puestos agrícolas (Steps for Farm Stand Operators)
COVID-19 U-Pick Signage (printable pdfs)
Farmers Markets
Cultivating SuccessTM Best Practices for Farmers' Markets and Farm Stands During COVID-19 webinar (recorded 4/13/20)
WRC Handling COVID-19 Guidance for Farmers Markets (pdf updated 4/19/20)
WRC Medidas de precaucón para los mercados y sus encargados (FAQs for Farmers Markets)
Minnesota Farmers Market Association Handwashing Station for Farmers’ Markets (pdf)
Washington State Farmers Market Association Farmers Markets & COVID-19
CDC Guidance for Mass Gatherings or Large Events
Community and School Gardens
Cultivating SuccessTM Best Practices for Community Gardens During COVID-19 webinar (recorded 4/6/20)
North Carolina State Extension COVID-19 for Community Gardens webpage
WRC Handling COVID-19 Guidance for Community Gardens pdf (updated 4/19/20)
WRC Pasos para encargados de huertas y jardineros (FAQs for Community gardens)
Food Banks
WRC COVID-19 FAQ for Food Banks Best Practices and Communication (pdf updated 4/19/20)
WRC Mejores prácticas y comunicación (FAQs: Best practices and communication)
WRC COVID-10 for Food Banks Receiving Food and Cleaning (pdf updated 3/25/20)
WRC Recepcion de alimentos y limpieza (FAQs: Receiving food and cleaning)
Grocery Stores
WRC Is Coronavirus a Concern at Grocery Stores? (pdf updated 4/19/20)
WRC COVID-19 FAQ Shopping and Handling Groceries (pdf updated 4/19/20)
WRC COVID-19 FAQ for Grocery Stores Cleaning and Disinfection (pdf updated 3/26/20)
WRC Limpiando y desinfectando (FAQs: Cleaning and disinfection)
WRC COVID-10 FAQ for Foodservice General Questions and Employee Health (4/19/20)
WRC Preguntas generales y salud de los empleados (FAQs: General questions and employee health)
Restaurants and Takeout Food
WRC Covid-19 FAQ Is Coronavirus a Concern with Takeout? (pdf updated 3/24/20)
WRC ¿Me debo preocupar del Coronavirus y la comida para llevar? (Is Coronavirus a concern with takeout?)
WRC COVID-19 for Foodservice Cleaning and Disinfection (pdf 3/26/20)
Consumer Food Safety
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Coronavirus: no evidence that food is a course or transmission route
Washington State University COVID-10 Food Safety Resources
WRC Is Coronavirus a Concern on Fresh Produce? (pdf updated 4/19/20)
WRC COVID-19 Preventative Measures Preparing for an Outbreak in Your Community (pdf updated 3/18/20)
WRC Como prepararse contra un brote en su comunidad (Preparing for an outbreak in your community)
World Health Organization (WHO) Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Food safety for consumers
University of California – Davis COVID-10 Food Safety Resources
Farm and Ranch Disaster Assistance Information
National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition Important Emergency USDA Changes for Farm Loan and Crop Insurance Blog
USDA Coronavirus and USDA Assistance for Farmers includes updates on USDA program flexibilities and the CARES Act
USDA Local Service Center Locater services are available via phone appointment or online
Wallace Center at Winrock International Rapid Response Briefing: Helping Food & Farm Businesses Navigate the CARES Act webinar + webinar notes (recorded 4/9/20)
Small Business Disaster Assistance Information
Idaho Rebounds: Our Path to Prosperity Cash Grants for Small Business
Ways to Support Idaho Small Farms & Local Businesses
University of Idaho Extension & Rural Roots, Sustainable Ag Speaker Series How to Support Small Farms & Local Food During COVID-19 (recorded 4/8/20)
Inland Northwest Food Network & University of Idaho Extension, How to Eat Local and Support Kootenai County Small Farms During COVID-19 (recorded 4/29/20)