Educational Programs
Cultivating Success™ offers a variety of educational programming, including courses, workshops, webinars, and on-farm learning. Programs are open to experienced and beginning farmers, community members, and agricultural professionals across Idaho. Please be aware that course locations and offerings vary. Click on a program below to learn more about the course and for current/future course offerings!

Click Here to see our calendar of upcoming courses.
Cultivating Success Workshops and Courses
Digging Deeper: Developing Your Idaho Market Garden
This advanced production course covers in-depth production skills needed to operate a small-scale market garden, fruit, culinary hear, or cut flower operation. The course covers production topics that include goal setting and record keeping, farm planning, harvesting, washing, and packing.
Is a Small Farm in Your Future? A Cultivating Success™ Workshop
Interested in starting a small farm in the city, suburbs or country? Wonder what it would take, and if you’re ready? Whether you’re in the planning stages or have just begun, this one day intensive workshop will help you determine what options are available for you, explore potential markets and profitability for different enterprises, network with others and learn what it takes to begin and sustain a small scale farming business.
Land Access Course
The Farmland for the Next Generation: Land Access Training Curriculum is intended to educate beginning farmers and ranchers who are seekers from a farm family or tradition in the U.S. or abroad. They may be returning from military service or changing careers. They may have worked or apprenticed on farms or been inspired by urban agriculture or the local food movement. What they all have in common is the desire to make a living on the land.
Land Stewardship Courses
In many parts of Idaho, people are enjoying rural life just past the edges of metropolitan city centers. But life on a small acreage is not all great views and beautiful sunsets. Whether your goals for your small acreage property are to raise a few livestock animals, create a productive hobby farm or just sit back and appreciate the wide-open spaces, land management issues can bring you back to reality in a hurry. Participants in our Land Stewardship courses gain knowledge, implement best management practices, become more effective land stewards and successfully manage their natural resources.
Scratching Below the Surface: Idaho Small-Scale Poultry Production
This advanced production course guides producers through the process of raising poultry for profit. The course covers production topics that include goal setting and record keeping, bird nutrition and housing, egg production and handling, and meat processing.
Whole Farm Planning Course
This course has students take a realistic look at their goals and resources, and helps them evaluate what type of small acreage enterprise is right for them. Students are exposed to various types of farming and ranching systems, guest farmers speak to the class, and field trips are taken to local farms. Students complete a whole farm plan.
Cultivating Success Webinars
Small Farm & Ranch Webinar Series
This free lunchtime webinar series, offered each spring, is designed to help small farmers and ranchers improve their small farm or ranch operation. Webinars are recorded and available for asynchronous viewing on the Cultivating Success Idaho YouTube channel.
Other Educational Opportunities
Dream Builder: Online Entrepreneurship Course
University of Idaho Extension is offering Dream Builder, a free online course that will teach entrepreneurs how to start or expand their businesses. The course is offered in English and Spanish. Participants work at their own pace to complete 15 online modules. In this course they will learn how to create and manage their business, marketing, bookkeeping and sales. At the end of the course they will have their own business plan.
Idaho Master Gardener Program
University of Idaho (UI) Extension’s Idaho Master Gardener Program provides gardeners with opportunities to improve their horticultural knowledge and skills as well as serve their communities. “Helping people grow” is the motto of the program. The program is conducted through participating UI Extension county offices under the direction of UI Extension educators.
The following courses are available periodically. For more information on business planning courses, please contact your local University of Idaho county extension office.
Financial Fitness for Farmers Workshop
This Cultivating Success™ workshop will focus on how to develop financial forms to assess farm enterprise profitability. Forms included: balance sheet, income statement, enterprise budget, and cash-flow budget. The course will include reference materials as well as homework assignments. Experienced Idaho farmers will discuss tips and techniques for developing the record-keeping skills you need to create these financial forms. Two evening follow-up workshops.
Past Webinar YouTube Playlist
Agriculture Entrepreneurship Course
This in-depth business planning course covers evaluating resources, planning and research, legal and management issues, marketing strategies, budgets and financial statements and cultivating money resources. Participants produce a completed business plan by completion of course. Farmers and small business resource providers serve as guest speakers, bringing real world experience to the class. This course will be offered in Winter 2026. Visit WSU for more current offerings.
Click Here to see our multi-year calendar of upcoming courses!
If you would like to see a program not currently on our calendar, please fill out the Course Request Form.
Funding provided by: USDA-NIFA

Idaho Cultivating Success™ is brought to you by University of Idaho Extension and UI Small Farms Extension