4 Thursday evening class sessions | Live via Zoom
Next Offering: 2027
From baby chicks to laying hens and drumsticks – are you looking to explore and expand your skills in small-scale poultry production? This course guides beginning producers through the process of raising poultry for profit. We will cover goals and record keeping, to bird nutrition and housing, egg handling, and meat processing. Join Extension Educators and poultry farming professionals for this comprehensive experience that’s something to crow about!
Scratching Below the Surface:
Idaho Small-Scale Poultry Production Online Course

Jennifer Jensen jenjensen@uidaho.edu
The University of Idaho is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and educational organization. We offer our programs to persons regardless of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, sexual orientations or disability. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information or reasonable accommodations need to contact Kate Wood (kwood@uidaho.edu or 208-267-3235) two weeks prior to the event.

Scratching Below the Surface:
Poultry Production Workshops

Join University of Idaho Extension for an in-depth workshop on poultry egg and meat bird production and marketing!
Next Workshop Offerings: TBA
In this workshop you will:
- Explore infrastructure and housing for layers and meat birds
- Identify poultry feed and nutrition needs
- Practice candling and grading eggs
- Understand how to design efficient egg collection, cleaning, and packaging systems for your operation
- Discuss on-farm poultry processing
- Learn about Idaho Egg & Poultry Rules

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